manual pinning organization in Trello

Your step by step guide to organized manual pinning

You don’t need a spreadsheet, you need to pin from Trello.

Pinning Frustration is removed when you know when and where you’ve pinned.


I'm Elizebeth Gidley.

I know what it’s like to be stuck and ultimately let my blank mind rush me into the “no work is getting done today” zone. I’ve been blessed to help thousands of bloggers just like you organize their businesses. It is my mission that everyone simplifies their business and ramps up their productivity through my training. Organization saves time, and time is money.  I want you to leave my courses as a master of these strategies that will drive your production and growth.


Create Masterlists of your Pins in Trello

Super easy tutorial on how to start Master List of your pins in Trello!

Organize your boards for smarter pinning

Plus tips for deciding which boards you should leave or archive!

Pin According to Virality

Learn how to pin to the best boards whether those are group or personal boards!

Create a Pinning Schedule that Actually Works

Organize your pins for your pinning sessions so you never get lost again!

Have no clue what Trello is?

That’s alright, I can teach you all about it. Watch this introduction to Trello video and be amazed. Worried it’s going to cost you? Don’t be, it’s free.

Organize Your Manual Pinning Strategy Today!

1. Buy the course

Learn how to organize your pins and pin straight from Trello

2. set up Pins in Trello

Take what you learn and set up the most efficient pinning you’ve ever experienced 

3. Start Pinning with no confusion

With my step by step plan you can take your own manual pinning strategy and set it up for success!



Manual Pinning Organization in Trello

Access the course for a one time payment of $47

(Total Value $300+) Get Access now for $47

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are unfamiliar with Trello there is an introduction to Trello video in the course Trello is simple and free. Easy to implement and all my videos are step by step. No guessing left.

Yes! That’s what this course is all about!

Due to the nature of digital goods, if you realize this was a mistake to purchase and you haven’t consumed any of the content I will give a full refund within 72 hours of purchase.

Do you manually pin ANY of your pins? Some pinners manually pin brand new pins if so, then yes. Otherwise, there is a tip about Tailwind in this course, but it would not really benefit anyone who doesn’t manually pin.

© 2018-2020 | Previously

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